Saturday, March 13, 2010

Comparison Between General Purpose Application Software and Funtion-Specific Application Software

Application software is software that are designed to help people to accomplish work and task on computer. Application software can be classified into two parts which are general purpose and function-specific application software.

General purpose application software performs common information processing jobs for end users but not in support of a specific purpose. Because they are significantly increases the productivity of end users, they are sometimes known as productivity packages. Example, word processing, and spreadsheet.

(Microsoft Word)

(Microsoft Excel)

Function-specific application software is more limited in what it will do, but it usually goes that one thing much better than a general purpose program. You can use general purpose software for more purposes but limited capabilities for each purpose; but you can use function-specific software for few purposes but with greater capabilities for each purpose. Example, customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, and supply chain management.

(FTrack Custormer Relationship Mmanagement)

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